Technical Reference

    Building with Lime By Stafford Holmes & Michael Wingate

    A starting point and general reference book to the broad range of uses for lime in construction.

    1997, revised 2002, 309 pages, many photos and drawings.

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    How Hydraulic Lime Binders Work By Alan Forster & Pat Gibbons

    Hydraulicity for beginners and the hydraulic lime family. Scientific yet readable account of the differences and similarities of hydraulic lime and cement.

    Available as a free download from the Scottish Lime Centre Trust, Rocks Road, Charlestown, Fife, KY11 3EN +44 (0) 1383 872722

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    Lime Works By Patrick McAfee

    A guide to the many uses of lime in building, aimed at building owners, practitioners and specifiers. Highly illustrated and cross-referenced, previous technical knowledge is not necessary.
    2009, Commissioned by BLF Ireland. Normal price: €30, price to BLF and BLFI Members: €25.

    Read our review

    Lime in Building – a Practical Guide By Jane Schofield

    A simple and straightforward guide to using lime plasters, mortars etc to repair traditional buildings, based on over 25 years practical experience.

    1998, A5, 32 pages

    La Chaux dans la Construction – Guide Pratique By Jane Schofield, adapted by Alain Hervé

    Une traduction en français du livre de Jane Schofield, un guide simple et facile à utiliser de la chaux.

    2005, 32 pages, in French.

    Conosci il Grassello di Calce? By Andrea Ratazzi

    Origine, produzione, impiego del grassello di calce in architettura, nell’arte e nel restauro.

    2007, 224 pages, in Italian

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Members of the Building Limes Forum form a community of lime enthusiasts and practitioners, most of whom are producers, suppliers, specifiers or users of lime.

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Building Limes Forum
Riddle’s Court
322 Lawnmarket
Edinburgh, EH1 2PG, UK

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